Thursday, 3 December 2009

Year 8 - research task.

As you are well aware I am not teaching today so here is your task for the period.

Investigate the life and times of an Australian musical Artist:
  1. Name, Age, Style of music/Bands they play in.
  2. Create a time line of their achievements including awards, ARIAs etc.
  3. Write a review of one of their songs that you know. make sure you include your opinion of the song.
If you get all that done..... Research one of following topics; The development of
  • the "Stratocaster Guitar"
  • Les Paul
  • Leo Fender
  • Gibson Guitars
  • The history of the electric Guitar
  • guitar amplifiers
  • Research the latest technology in guitars today - USB guitar, Robot tuning, Self Tuning, "Variax" guitars.
  • What inovations will come in the future for guitars/guitarists?
If you get all that done you are a master of useless guitar based knowledge :-)

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Battle Cry Backing Track.

Download the backing track HERE.

Good luck.

Have a Musical Day :)

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Year 7 Movie Task

Hi Yr7,

The secret to a good film is to PREPARE well. If you are prepared then everyone is clear on what needs to happen to get the project done.

Go HERE to get a copy of the FreeMind file that you need to fill out before you start filming.

Have a musical day :-)

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Chasing Cars GUITAR TAB

Hi year 8,

for your ROCK CHALLENGE I thought an easy song for you to learn would be Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.

Check out the three guitar TAB parts you can use to play along with a singer.

Click on the image below for the guitar 1 part, 
the other parts are available to download at the links provided.

Guitar 2

Guitar 3


Monday, 23 November 2009

7.5 Lesson 1 for 2010 students

Hi Year 7,
Here is a copy of the video that I made in class with 7.5 on tuesday. Your task will be to create something similar in your classes for the new year 7 students starting in 2010.
Good Luck, and enjoy.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Year 7 work - extension: STAR WARS

Write down the following questions in your book and then research the answers using the sites listed on the right of the blog....

Star Wars

1. What are some of the sound effects in star wars made from?
2. How does the choice of "natural" sounds reflect the scenes and/or intentions of the film makers?
3. List the different people involved in the making of a soundtrack and give a brief description, using detailed sentences, of each job.
4. How was the "Light saber" sound created?

Have a musical day :-)

Hearing Loss in Music....

Hearing loss in western society is tipped to be a major issue in the next 10 to 20 years and you people are the likely victims of this injury.
Complete the questions using the links in the blog to help you.
Watch this video to answer the first  6 questions.

1. What happens to the “Hair Cells” if they are exposed to loud noises for a long time?
2. Describe or drawer the safest/most effective type of headphones for using in noisy areas.
3. How often should you take a break from listening to your mp3 player?
4. List some ways you can ensure you maintain safe listening practices.
5. What are some areas at school that you can identify that may cause hearing damage?
6. What measures can you take to make sure you do not suffer hearing loss when learning in those areas?

Read this article and answer the following questions.
7. What is Tinnitus?
8. What things that you do now would be hard to do if you had tinnitus? Why?
9. Go to the link HEARING LOSS AND MP3 PLAYERS. Can you identify with any of the experiences in this article? If so describe your experience.
10. What are some practical things you can change in the way you listen to music to help you avoid hearing loss?


You may need to download and install this driver if you want to use the casio usb midi keyboard in garage band. Check the link list on the right of screen under the SOFTWARE section.


Have a Musical Day :-)

Monday, 9 November 2009


WELCOME students of Emmaus.

You now have your very own music blog.
The idea of this blog is to create a resource site for you to look at/use/ post work to so that other students from Emmaus (and other schools) can follow on your class discussions and work.

In the next lesson all yr9 students will be posting a comment somewhere here so i can make you administrators of the blog and so you can add content to the site.

Good Luck